Questions people ask about homeschooling🤨


The most difficult part about homeschooling is resistance from society. People are shocked, and afraid, shocked because ….well everybody goes to school, it is set in stone; afraid because they are not into it, what if it turns out …. something good.

I would say both these reactions, are justified, given how our emotions work. I would probably react the same way on hearing about homeschooling, if I was not on it.

I am not angry nor judgmental, because as I said would have the exact same reactions and probably the same awful questions which are thrown at me.They used to hit like a tonne of bricks and hurt a lot, but I am determined to protect myself, and so I have developed a thick skin, and some protection mechanisms. But let me first tell you some of the reactions/questions thrown at me….

You don’t send your kid to school, How will he know which day is Sunday?”

Do you want to keep your kid close to you? Do you always want him to be by your side, is that the reason you are homeschooling?”

Why are you homeschooling?” with a look that says you are an idiot.

Is it because school is expensive…. that you are homeschooling?

How does your kid even want to learn from you? our kids never listen to us.

Will you never ever send him to school?

Don’t you feel tired managing your kid all day everyday? I can’t stand my kids even on holidays, how the hell do you do that?

What syllabus do you follow, do you buy school books? Do you ask teachers to help you out?

Homeschooling won’t work in India, because there are not enough homeschoolers, US is different.

There is a school inside the campus, it is cheap, and the quality is okay, maybe you can consider sending your kid there.

Why don’t you look for a job?

What about socialization? afterall your kid has to live in the society.”- asked a woman whose son was playing with my son in the park. My mistake was that Instead of deflecting her question, I started explaining my point of view.

No you are absolutely wrong she said, her face red with anger.

Fuck off – she screamed mad at me for answering her question. I had had people give me unpalatable reactions but this was extremely hurtful and abnormal. No one reacts like that except kindergarten kids.

Her reaction froze me. I stood there for what seemed like a long time looking at her now ugly face shining with anger. Where was I to fuck off any way it was a public park!!

It took me a while to realise the irony of the whole situation. An exemplary social behaviour from a fanatical advocate of schools for socialisation.