Creative Space

Hey there!

This is our creative space for our art work, poetry, stories. We are just starting and hope to get better. It is always fun to learn something new and we are open to comments and advices on how to get better.

If you are a homeschooler and want to meet us. Please send a mail at

He wrote it in the midst of an English lesson as he was getting bored.

And here is what I wrote…I am done with my past self

And a poem about my favourite flower Dandelion

And then this poem I wrote as part of activity for a lesson on poetry on the same theme as the famous poem if by Rudyard Kipling.

This poem I wrote is from mother to son.

If you can get up at the crack of the dawn

To do yoga or go for a run

Than to sleep in the bed or fiddle with phone just for fun

If you can keep your earnings and make them grow a lot

Than to waste on things just for show off

If you can cook your food and do all your chores

And for friends always open your doors

If you can wait and have the patience to see the imposters

and can effectively ward off those tricky monsters

you will have a peaceful life my son


Idle doodling on the same sheet by me and my son and surprisingly it looked like art! Interesting and exciting.
This is what I sketched one Sunday morning. Yoga seeped into my soul lifting me into higher consciousness. Making art tinted with yog.

It is not the sketch that make me smile, but the words he scribbles on them like WOAH!! that he wrote on this sketch he made.

Sometimes I think if anybody even accidentally reads what I write. There are only two or three visitors to my site when I post and that is sad but I post anyway because I like reading my posts even when I open them after a year or so. It seems this site is like a diary of sorts of things I like to do and write about. Quite evidently not many people are interested but I am interested in reading what I write so may be I am writing just for myself and that occasional visitor.

May be my blogging confidence is high and my expertise in things that I like to do is low, so I am at the peak of mount stupid. But I am certainly not overestimating myself, I just like to write and like to do things and I don’t desire perfection. Perfection and being obsessed with just one thing is what I cannot do. It doesn’t suit me and the situation I am in right now. As a mother and a housewife, I need to do a lot of things. A house needs cleaning, organising, shopping, budgeting, good meals, right books, right learning, health and some other things. I need to do all of them at a good enough level. If I aspire to be a perfectionist at just one thing I will fail. I will fail as a housewife and as a mother. I like yoga but I am not obsessed with it. I do enough and a little more and my son does enough and a little more and we are most happy approaching it like that.

I love this Dunning – Kruger Effect curve. It explains our lives.