My homeschooling curriculum

I love mathematics and it has nothing to do with my being good in it. I ❤️it because it is universal and once you understand something you can build upon that, entire mathematics is this multilayered understanding where layers and built upon each other and don’t occupy any extra space in our memory unlike say history or literature.

That is why for me mathematics forms a part of regular learning, more regular than say language learning.

I keep shifting between different Mathematics books and websites. I haven’t used you tube much for mathematics though I have used it extensively for history and science.

We have gone real slow in maths. We have dived deep into concepts. Mathematics is one subject which shouldn’t be pushed. We should revisit the things we have done before and go deeper into them. This builds far better learning than shallow mastery of simple problems.

Even though it is much easier to homeschool with a curriculum we don’t restrict ourselves to it. We learn everything that crosses our path in a day. We discuss about things deeply which are not taught in school. We discuss about religion, politics, wars, dogs, rivers…..anything and everything. That is why we buy all kinds of books we do not categorize them into children’s books and adults books. We read what we find interesting, so my son has read A brief history of Humankind, How humans took over the world, Future stories …… Anything that catches his fancy is fair game. He has also read The richest man in Babylon and was quiet fascinated by it. There is a lot of learning about money in it – He said. Once someone asked me, what are the important concepts to be taught in homeschool? I decided to write a blog, linked below.

What are the most important concepts you teach in your homeschool?

But I must say different homeschoolers have different approach to homeschooling and it is built around their uniqueness as a family, their special talents, interests, even the fields their parents are in but the one thing that is common to all is their wanting to spend time with their kids and willingness to learn for their kids.

Yes we are on the learning journey too, when we homeschool our kids. We learn and relearn a lot of things, we reflect back on how we were taught and why it was not the right way and how we are going to try something different to make our kids learn better.