I am done with my past self

I am not continuing with my older self

I hate to see my older self

I am discontinuing

Unplugging myself

And rebooting again

It would be an entirely new me

With a new name and new haircut

And new clothes and a new body

And a whole new attitude

And tomorrow I will say the same thing

Or may be not, I might look back and be proud of

What I changed and what choices I made

Life is short so I must make haste

There is not a moment to waste

But wait is that what life is about

To make ourselves the best versions

Of what we think we should be

And you know what, thinking changes all the time

So better find out what life is all about

But has anyone even done that- found out about what life is

is it to always strive and toil

To achieve the success that world covets

Or is it just to exist and do what we can

To help ourselves and others

I am not very sure

Are you

– Dani