Pingala Rishi series

It is rarely I notice mathematics in daily life. Especially if my mind is chattering a lot or it is heavy cause of stressful events or situations.

I noticed a beautiful mathematical pattern at Beatles Ashram in Rishikesh. Must have noticed it cause there was so much joy there. It gave us space to breathe and be ourselves. Otherwise real Rishikesh is congested, loud and noisy. People in Tapovan do seem relaxed and happier but it is awfully loud and dare I add – polluted! I have had many talks and discussions with people who lament about the crowd and pollution in Rishikesh the same as me. But we are helpless. We can’t or don’t actually want to do anything except cry it out in social media. Like I am doing here.

I noticed Pingala Rishi series 0,1,1,2,3,5,8…..on the back of the snail lying on the heap of forest debris in Ashram. It did look like the matrameru pattern. Matrameru is what Pingala Rishi used to call the now famous Fibonacci sequence in his book-Chandahsastra, which existed 14 centuries before Fibonacci. My son fell in love with the snail. He had never before in his life seen a snail in real. And that explains his excitement and him clicking a dozen or more pics of it from different angles.

I do not understand the significance of the series though. Like I said I don’t have a very sharp mind when it comes to mathematics.

Actual drawing of Pingala Rishi series.

I am also reminded of the fronds of fern which I saw on the hike last year in the damp hills.

Fiddle head fern

To me fern head looks more like Pingala Rishi sequence or series. Why? Because it opens up so fast…unlike snails.

I hope someone enlightens me about my observations. Tells me I am right or wrong. Anyway it is fun finding these patterns in nature.